React Native end-to-end demonstration


The purpose of this demonstration is to explain an end-to-end flow:

  1. A sample application that is pre-bundled with the PMF client SDK is registered and downloaded from the PMF Operations Console.
  2. A new or provided adapter is deployed to the PMF Operations Console.
  3. The application logic is changed to make a resource request.

End result:

  • Successfully ping the PMF.
  • Successfully retrieve data using an adapter.


  • Xcode for iOS, Android Studio for Android
  • React Native CLI
  • Optional. PMF CLI (download)
  • Optional. Stand-alone PMF (download)

Step 1. Starting the PMF

Make sure you have created a Persistent Mobile Foundation instance, or if you are using the PMF Developer Kit, navigate to the server’s folder and run the command: ./ in Mac and Linux or run.cmd in Windows.

Step 2. Creating and registering an application

Open the PMF Operations Console by loading the URL: http://your-server-host:server-port/mfpconsole in the browser. If the server is running locally, use http://localhost:9080/mfpconsole. The username/password is admin/admin.

  1. Click the New button next to Applications
    • Select a platform: Android, iOS
    • Enter com.sample.reactnative as the application identifier
    • Enter 1.0.0 as the version
    • Click on Register application

    Register an application

  2. Download the React Native sample application from Github.

Step 3. Editing application logic

  1. Open the React native project in your code editor of choice.

  2. Select the app.js file, which is located at project’s root folder and paste the following code snippet, replacing the existing WLAuthorizationManager.obtainAccessToken() function:

      (token) => {
        console.log('-->  pingMFP(): Success ', token);
        var resourceRequest = new WLResourceRequest("/adapters/javaAdapter/resource/greet/",
        resourceRequest.setQueryParameters({ name: "world" });
          (response) => {
            // Will display "Hello world" in an alert dialog.
            alert("Success: " + response.responseText);
          (error) => {
            alert("Failure: Resource Request");
      }, (error) => {
        alert("Failed to connect to Mobile Foundation Server");

Step 4. Deploy an adapter

Download the adapter artifact and deploy it from the PMF Operations Console using the Actions → Deploy adapter action.

Alternatively, click the New button next to Adapters.

  1. Select the Actions → Download sample option. Download the Hello World Java adapter sample.

    If Maven and PMF CLI are not installed, follow the on-screen Set up your development environment instructions.

  2. From a Command-line window, navigate to the adapter’s Maven project root folder and run the command:

     pmfdev adapter build
  3. When the build finishes, deploy it from the PMF Operations Console using the Actions → Deploy adapter action. The adapter can be found in the [adapter]/target folder.

    Deploy an adapter

sample application

Step 5. Testing the application

  1. Make sure that you have installed the PMF CLI, then navigate to the particular platform’s (iOS or Android) root folder and run the command pmfdev app register. If a remote PMF is used, run the command to add the server,
    pmfdev server add

    followed by the command to register the app, for example:

    pmfdev app register myIBMCloudServer
  2. Run the following command, to run the application:
    react-native run-ios|run-android

If a device is connected, the application will be installed and launched in the device. Otherwise, the simulator or emulator will be used.


  • Clicking the Ping PMF button displays Connected to PMF.
  • If the application was able to connect to the PMF, a resource request call using the deployed Java adapter takes place. The adapter response is then displayed in an alert.

Next steps

Learn more on using adapters in applications, and how to integrate additional services such as Push Notifications, using the PMF security framework and more:

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