

Notifications is the ability of a mobile device to receive messages that are “pushed” from a server.
Notifications are received regardless of whether the application is currently running in the foreground or background.

Persistent Mobile Foundation provides a unified set of API methods to send either push or SMS notifications to iOS, Android, and Cordova (iOS, Android) applications. The notifications are sent from the PMF to the vendor (Apple, Firebase) infrastructure, and from there to the relevant devices. The unified notification mechanism makes the entire process of communicating with the users and devices completely transparent to the developer.

Device support

Push and SMS notifications are supported for the following platforms in PMF:

  • iOS 13.x or later
  • Android 6.x or later

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Push notifications

Notifications can take several forms:

  • Alert (iOS, Android) - a pop-up text message
  • Sound (iOS, Android) - a sound file playing when a notification is received
  • Badge (iOS) - a graphical representation that allows a short text or image
  • Banner (iOS) - a disappearing pop-up text message at the top of the device display
  • Interactive (iOS 13 and above) - action buttons inside the banner of a received notification
  • Silent (iOS 13 and above) - sending notifications without distrubing the user

Push notification types

Tag notifications

Tag notifications are notification messages that are targeted to all the devices that are subscribed to a particular tag.

Tags-based notifications allow segmentation of notifications based on subject areas or topics. Notification recipients can choose to receive notifications only if it is about a subject or topic that is of interest. Therefore, tags-based notification provides a means to segment recipients. This feature enables you to define tags and send or receive messages by tags. A message is targeted to only the devices that are subscribed to a tag.

Broadcast notifications

Broadcast notifications are a form of tag push notifications that are targeted to all subscribed devices, and are enabled by default for any push-enabled PMF application by a subscription to a reserved Push.all tag (auto-created for every device). Broadcast notifications can be disabled by unsubscribing from the reserved Push.all tag.

Unicast notifications

Unicast notifications, or User Authenticated Notifications are secured with OAuth. These are notification messages targeted to a particular device or a userID(s). The userID in the user subscription can come from the underlying security context.

Interactive notifications

With interactive notification, when a notification arrives, users can take actions without opening the application. When an interactive notification arrives, the device shows action buttons along with the notification message. Interactive notifications are supported on devices with iOS version 13 onwards and Android v7.0 (API level 24) onwards. If an interactive notification is sent to an iOS or Android device with earlier versions notification actions are not displayed.

Learn how to handle interactive notifications.

Silent notifications

Silent notifications are notifications that do not display alerts or otherwise disturb the user. When a silent notification arrives, the application handing code runs in background without bringing the application to foreground. Currently, the silent notifications are supported on iOS devices with version 13 onwards. If the silent notification is sent to iOS devices with version lesser than 13, the notification is ignored if the application is running in background. If the application is running in the foreground, then the notification callback method is invoked.

Learn how to handle silent notifications.

Note: Unicast notifications do not contain any tag in the payload. The notification message can target multiple devices or users by specifying multiple deviceIDs or userIDs respectively, in the target block of the POST message API.

SMS Notifications

To start receiving SMS notifications, an application must first register to an SMS notification subscription. To subscribe to SMS notifications, the user supplies a mobile phone number and approves the notification subscription. A subscription request is sent to the PMF upon receipt of the user approval. When a notification is retrieved from the PMF Operations Console, it is processed and sent through a preconfigured SMS gateway.

To configure a gateway, see the Sending Notifications tutorial.

Proxy settings

Use the proxy settings to set the optional proxy through which notifications are sent to APNS and FCM. You can set the proxy by using the push.apns.proxy.* and push.fcm.proxy.* configuration properties. For more information, see List of JNDI properties for PMF push service.

Using WebSphere DataPower as a push notification endpoint

You can setup DataPower to accept notification requests from Persistent Mobile Foundation server and redirect it to FCM and SMS.

Note that APNs is not supported.

Configuring the Persistent Mobile Foundation Server

In server.xml configure the following JNDI property:

<jndiEntry jndiName="imfpush/mfp.push.dp.endpoint" value = '"https://host"' />
<jndiEntry jndiName="imfpush/mfp.push.dp.fcm.port" value = '"port"' />

Where host is the hostname of DataPower and port is the port number on which HTTPS Front Side Handler is configured for FCM.

For SMS, configuration settings will be provided as part of REST API call. No need to provide JNDI properties.

Configuring DataPower

  1. Login to the DataPower appliance.
  2. Navigate to Services > Multi-Protocol Gateway > New Multi-Protocol Gateway.
  3. Provide a name with which you can identify the configuration.
  4. Select XML Manager, Multi-Protocol Gateway Policy as default and URL Rewrite Policy to none.
  5. Select static-backend radio button, and select any of the following options for set Default Backend URL:
    • For FCM:
    • For SMS: http://<samplegateway>/gateway
  6. Select the Response Type, Request Type as pass through.

Generating a certificate

To generate certificate, choose any of the following:

  • For FCM:
    1. From command line, issue Openssl to get the FCM certificates.
    2. Run the following command:
       openssl s_client -connect
       openssl s_client -connect -showcerts
       openssl s_client -connect -showcerts
       openssl s_client -connect -showcerts
    3. Copy the contents from —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– to —–END CERTIFICATE—– and save it in a file with the .pem extension.
  • For SMS, no certificates are required.

Backside settings

  • For FCM :

    1. Create a Crypto Certificate:

      a. Navigate to Objects > Crypto Configuration and click Crypto certificate.

      b. Provide a name with which you can identify the crypto certificate.

      c. Click Upload to upload the generated FCM certificate.

      d. Set Password Alias to none.

      e. Click Generate key. Configure Crypto certificate

    2. Create a Crypto Validation Credential:

      a. Navigate to Objects > Crypto Configuration and click Crypto Validation Credential.

      b. Provide a unique name.

      c. For Certificates, select the Crypto Certificate that you had created in the preceeding step - step 1.

      d. For Certificate Validation Mode select Match exact certificate or immediate issuer.

      e. Click Apply. Configure Crypto validation credentials

    3. Create a Crypto Validation Credential:

      a. Navigate to Objects > Crypto Configuration and click Crypto Profile.

      b. Click Add.

      c. Provide a unique name.

      d. For Validation Credentials, select the validation credential created in the preceeding step - step 2 from the drop down menu, set Identification Credentials to none.

      e. Click Apply. Configure Crypto profile

    4. Create a SSL Proxy Profile:

      a. Navigate to Objects > Crypto Configuration > SSL Proxy Profile.

      b. Choose either of the following options:

      • For SMS, select SSL Proxy Profile as none.
      • For FCM with a secure backend URL (HTTPS), complete the following steps:
        1. Click Add.

        2. Provide a name with which you can identify the ssl proxy profile later.

        3. Select SSL Direction as Forward from drop down.

        4. For Forward (Client) Crypto Profile, select the crypto profile created in step 3.

        5. Click Apply. Configure SSL Proxy profile

    5. On Multi-Protocol Gateway window, under Back side settings, select Proxy Profile as the SSL client type and select the SSL Proxy Profile created in step 4. Configure SSL Proxy profile

  • For SMS, no backside settings are required.

Frontside settings

  • For FCM and SMS:

    1. Create a key-certificate pair with Common Name (CN) value as the hostname of DataPower:

      a. Navigate to Administration > Miscellaneous and click Crypto Tools.

      b. Enter hostname of datapower as the value for Common Name (CN).

      c. Select Export private key if you plan to export the private key later, and click Generate Key. Creating a key-certificate pair

    2. Create a Crypto Identification Credential:

      a. Navigate to Objects > Crypto Configuration and click Crypto Identification Credentials.

      b. Click Add.

      c. Provide a unique name.

      d. For the Crypto Key and Certificate, select the key and certificate generated from the preceeding step - step 1 from the list box.

      e. Click Apply. Creating a Crypto Identification Credential

    3. Create a Crypto Profile:

      a. Navigate to Objects > Crypto Configuration and click Crypto Profile.

      b. Click Add.

      c. Provide a unique name.

      d. For Identification Credentials, select the identification credential created from the preceeding step - step 2 from the list box. Set Validation credentials to none.

      e. Click Apply. Configure Crypto Profile

    4. Create a SSL Proxy Profile:

      a. Navigate to Objects > Crypto Configuration > SSL Proxy Profile.

      b. Click Add.

      c. Provide a unique name.

      d. Select SSL Direction as Reverse from the list box.

      e. For Reverse (Server) Crypto Profile, select the crypto profile created in the preceeding step - step 3.

      f. Click Apply. Configure SSL Proxy Profile

    5. Create a HTTPS Front Side Handler:

      a. Navigate to Objects > Protocol Handlers > HTTPS Front Side Handler.

      b. Click Add.

      c. Provide a unique name.

      d. For Local IP address, either select the correct alias or leave it at the default value (

      e. Provide an available port.

      f. For Allowed methods and versions select HTTP 1.0, HTTP 1.1, POST method, GET method, URL with ?, URL with #, URL with ..

      g. Select Proxy Profile as the SSL server type.

      h. For SSL proxy profile (deprecated), select the ssl proxy profile created in the preceeding step - step 4.

      i. Click Apply. Configure HTTPS Front Side Handler

    6. On Configure Multi-Protocol Gateway page, under Front side settings, select the https front side handler as Front Side Protocol, created in step 5, and click Apply.

    General configuration

    The certificate that is being used by DataPower in Front side settings, is a self-signed one. Unless that certificate is added to the JRE keystore used by Mobile Foundation , connections to DataPower will fail.

Tutorials to follow next

Follow through the below required setup of the server-side and client-side in order to be able to send and receive push notifications:

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