Installing Persistent Mobile Foundation Server in a production environment


This tutorial is intended for developers and administrators who want to install and configure Persistent Mobile Foundation(PMF) Server for a production environment. Detailed steps, beyond the tutorial about PMF Server installation, are provided here to assist you in planning and preparing an installation for your specific environment.

Installation pre-requisites

For smooth installation of Mobile Foundation Server, ensure that you fulfil all the software prerequisites.

Setting up databases

Set up the database to be used by PMF Server components. Follow this tutorial to set up the database.

Topologies and network flows

Follow this tutorial to learn about the possible server topologies and network flows.

Topologies and network flows

Follow this tutorial to learn about the possible server topologies and network flows.

Installing PMF Server to an application server

The installation of the components can be done by using Ant Tasks or manually. Find out the prerequisite and the details about the installation process so that you can install the components on the application server successfully. Follow this tutorial to learn how the PMF components can be installed on application server.

Configuring PMF Server

Follow this tutorial to learn how to configure the PMF Server.

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