PMF Analytics Server Installation Guide
PMF Analytics Server is implemented and shipped as a set of two Java EE standard web application archive (WAR) files, or one enterprise application archive (EAR) file. Therefore, it can be installed in one of the following supported application servers: WebSphere Application Server Liberty, or Apache Tomcat (WAR files only).
PMF Analytics Server uses an embedded Elasticsearch library for the data store and cluster management. Because it intends to be a highly performant in-memory search and query engine, requiring fast disk I/O, you must follow some production system requirements. In general, you are most likely to run out of memory and disk (or discover that disk I/O is your performance bottleneck) before CPU becomes a problem. In a clustered environment, you want a fast, reliable, co-located cluster of nodes.
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- System requirements
- Capacity considerations
- Installing Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics on WebSphere Application Server Liberty
- Installing Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics on Tomcat
- Installing Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics with Ant tasks
System requirements
Operating systems
- RHEL 9.x
- Ubuntu 22.04
- Windows Server 2022
- openjdk 8
- RAM: More RAM is better, but no more than 64 GB per node. 32 GB and 16 GB are also acceptable. Less than 8 GB requires many small nodes in the cluster, and 64 GB is wasteful and problematic due to the way Java uses memory for pointers.
- Disk: Use SSDs when possible, or fast spinning traditional disks in RAID 0 configuration if SSDs are not possible.
- CPU: CPU tends not to be the performance bottleneck. Use systems with 2 to 8 cores.
- Network: When you cross into the need to scale out horizontally, you need a fast, reliable, data center with 1 GbE to 10 GbE supported speeds.
Hardware configuration
- Give your JVM half of the available RAM, but do not cross 32 GB
- Setting the ES_HEAP_SIZE environment variable to 32g.
- Setting the JVM flags by using -Xmx32g -Xms32g.
- Turn off disk swap. Allowing the operating system to swap heap on and off disk significantly degrades performance.
- Temporarily:
sudo swapoff -a
- Permanently: Edit /etc/fstab according to the operating system documentation.
- If neither option is possible, set the Elasticsearch option bootstrap.mlockall: true (this value is the default in the embedded Elasticsearch instance).
- Temporarily:
- Increase the allowed open file descriptors.
- Linux typically limits a per-process number of open file descriptors to a small 1024.
- Consult your operating system documentation for how to permanently increase this value to something much larger, like 64,000.
- Elasticsearch also uses a mix of NioFS and MMapFS for the various files. Increase the maximum map count so plenty of virtual memory is available for mmapped files.
- Temporarily:
sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
- Permanently: Modify the vm.max_map_count setting in your /etc/sysctl.conf.
- Temporarily:
- If you use BSDs and Linux, ensure that your operating system I/O scheduler is set to deadline or noop, not cfq.
Capacity considerations
Capacity is the single-most common question. How much RAM do you need? How much disk space? How many nodes? The answer is always: it depends.
Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics gives you the opportunity to collect many heterogeneous event types, including raw client SDK debug logs, server-reported network events, custom data, and much more. It is a big data system with big data system requirements.
The type and amount of data that you choose to collect, and how long you choose to keep it, has a dramatic impact on your storage requirements and overall performance. As an example, consider the following questions.
- Are raw debug client logs useful after a month?
- Are you using the Alerts feature in Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics? If so, are you querying on events that occurred in the last few minutes or over a longer range?
- Are you using custom charts? If so, are you creating these charts for built-in data or custom instrumented key/value pairs? How long do you keep the data?
The built-in charts on the PMF Analytics Console are rendered by querying data that the PMF Analytics Server already summarized and optimized specifically for the fastest possible console user experience. Because it is pre-summarized and optimized for the built-in charts, it is not suitable for use in alerts or custom charts where the console user defines the queries.
When you query raw documents, apply filters, perform aggregations, and ask the underlying query engine to calculate averages and percentages, the query performance necessarily suffers. It is this use case that requires careful capacity considerations. After your query performance suffers, it is time to decide whether you really must keep old data for real-time console visibility or purge it from the PMF Analytics Server. Is real-time console visibility truly useful for data from four months ago?
Indicies, Shards, and Nodes
The underlying data store is Elasticsearch. You must know a bit about indices, shards and nodes, and how the configuration affects performance. Roughly, you can think of an index as a logical unit of data. An index is mapped one-to-many to shards where the configuration key is shards. The PMF Analytics Server creates a separate index per document type. If your configuration does not discard any document types, you have a number of indices that are created that is equivalent to the number of document types that are offered by the PMF Analytics Server.
If you configure the shards to 1, each index only ever has one primary shard to which data is written. If you set shards to 10, each index can balance to 10 shards. However, more shards have a performance cost when you have only one node. That one node is now balancing each index to 10 shards on the same physical disk. Only set shards to 10 if you plan to immediately (or nearly immediately) scale up to 10 physical nodes in the cluster.
The same principle applies to replicas. Only set replicas to something greater than 0 if you intend to immediately (or nearly immediately) scale up to the number of nodes to match the math.
For example, if you set shards to 4 and replicas to 2, you can scale to 8 nodes, which is 4 * 2.
Installing Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics on WebSphere Application Server Liberty
Ensure that you already have the Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics EAR file. For more information on the installation artifacts, see Installing PMF to an application server. The analytics.ear file is found in the <pmf_install_dir>\Analytics
folder. For more information about how to download and install WebSphere Application Server Liberty, see the About WebSphere Liberty article on IBM developerWorks .
Create a server by running the following command in your ./wlp/bin folder.
./server create <serverName>
Install the following features by running the following command in your ./bin folder.
./featureManager install jsp-2.3 ssl-1.0 appSecurity-2.0 localConnector-1.0
- Add the analytics.ear file to the
folder of your Liberty Server. -
Replace the contents of the
tag of the./usr/servers/<serverName>/server.xml
file with the following content:<featureManager> <feature>jsp-2.3</feature> <feature>ssl-1.0</feature> <feature>appSecurity-2.0</feature> <feature>localConnector-1.0</feature> </featureManager>
Configure analytics.ear as an application with role-based security in the server.xml file. The following example creates a basic hardcoded user registry, and assigns a user to each of the different analytics roles.
<application location="analytics.ear" name="analytics-ear" type="ear"> <application-bnd> <security-role name="analytics_administrator"> <user name="admin"/> </security-role> <security-role name="analytics_infrastructure"> <user name="infrastructure"/> </security-role> <security-role name="analytics_support"> <user name="support"/> </security-role> <security-role name="analytics_developer"> <user name="developer"/> </security-role> <security-role name="analytics_business"> <user name="business"/> </security-role> </application-bnd> </application> <basicRegistry id="worklight" realm="worklightRealm"> <user name="business" password="demo"/> <user name="developer" password="demo"/> <user name="support" password="demo"/> <user name="infrastructure" password="demo"/> <user name="admin" password="admin"/> </basicRegistry>
Start the Liberty Server by running the following command inside your bin folder
./server start <serverName>
Go to the PMF Analytics Console.
Installing Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics on Tomcat
Ensure that you already have the Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics WAR files. For more information on the installation artifacts, see Installing PMF to an application server. The analytics-ui.war and analytics-service.war files are found in the **
- Add analytics-service.war and the analytics-ui.war files to the Tomcat webapps folder.
Uncomment the following section in the conf/server.xml file, which is present, but commented out, in a freshly downloaded Tomcat archive.
<Valve className ="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn"/>
Declare the two war files in the conf/server.xml file, and define a user registry.
<Context docBase ="analytics-service" path ="/analytics-service"></Context> <Context docBase ="analytics" path ="/analytics"></Context> <Realm className ="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm"/>
The MemoryRealm recognizes the users that are defined in the conf/tomcat-users.xml file. For more information about other choices, see Apache Tomcat Realm Configuration HOW-TO.
- Add the following sections to the conf/tomcat-users.xml file to configure a MemoryRealm.
Add the security roles.
<role rolename="analytics_administrator"/> <role rolename="analytics_infrastructure"/> <role rolename="analytics_support"/> <role rolename="analytics_developer"/> <role rolename="analytics_business"/>
Add a few users with the roles you want.
<user name="admin" password="admin" roles="analytics_administrator"/> <user name="support" password="demo" roles="analytics_support"/> <user name="business" password="demo" roles="analytics_business"/> <user name="developer" password="demo" roles="analytics_developer"/> <user name="infrastructure" password="demo" roles="analytics_infrastructure"/>
Start your Tomcat Server and go to the PMF Analytics Console.
For more information about how to start the Tomcat Server, see the official Tomcat site. For example, Apache Tomcat 9, for Tomcat 9.0.
Installing Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics with Ant tasks
Ensure that you have the necessary WAR and configuration files: analytics-ui.war and analytics-service.war. For more information on the installation artifacts, see Installing PMF to an application server. The analytics-ui.war and analytics-service.war files are found in the Persistent_Mobile_Foundation\Analytics.
You must run the Ant task on the computer where the application server is installed. If you want to start the Ant task from a computer on which PMF is not installed, you must copy the file <pmf_install_dir>/Persistent_Mobile_Foundation\MobileFoundationServer/mfp-ant-deployer.jar to that computer.
Note: The pmf_install_dir placeholder is the directory where you installed PMF.
- Edit the Ant script that you use later to deploy Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics WAR files.
- Review the sample configuration files in Sample configuration files for Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics.
- Replace the placeholder values with the properties at the beginning of the file.
Note: The following special characters must be escaped when they are used in the values of the Ant XML scripts:
- The dollar sign ($) must be written as $$, unless you explicitly want to reference an Ant variable through the syntax ${variable}, as described in the Properties section of the Apache Ant Manual.
- The ampersand character (&) must be written as &, unless you explicitly want to reference an XML entity.
- Double quotation marks (“) must be written as ", except when it is inside a string that is enclosed in single quotation marks.
- If you install a cluster of nodes on several servers:
- You must uncomment the property, and set its value to the list of host name and transport port of the master nodes. For example:,
- Add the attribute mastersList to the elasticsearch elements in the tasks installanalytics, updateanalytics, and uninstallanalytics.
- You must uncomment the property, and set its value to the list of host name and transport port of the master nodes. For example:
- To deploy the WAR files, run the following command:
ant -f configure-appServer-analytics.xml install
You can find the Ant command in pmf_install_dir/tools/apache-ant-1.9.4/bin. This installs a node of Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics, with the default type master and data, on the server, or on each member of a cluster. -
Save the Ant file. You might need it later to apply a fix pack or perform an upgrade. If you do not want to save the passwords, you can replace them by “****” (12 stars) for interactive prompting.
Note: If you add a node to a cluster of Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics, you must update the analytics/masternodes JNDI property, so that it contains the ports of all the master nodes of the cluster.