Deploy PMF to an existing Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
Learn how to install the PMF instance on an OpenShift cluster using the PMF Operator.
The steps to deploy PMF on OCP are the same irrespective of how you have obtained the OCP entitlement.
Following are the prerequisites before you begin the process of installing PMF instance using the PMF Operator.
- OpenShift cluster v4.15.
- OpenShift client tools (
). - Install and setup Docker.
- PMF requires a database. Create a supported database and keep the database access details handy for further use. See here.
- PMF Analytics requires storage class or mounted storage volume for persisting Analytics data (NFS recommended).
Image below shows the internal architecture of Mobile services on Red Hat OpenShift.
Installing a PMF instance
Download the PMF package
Download the PMF package for OpenShift from the authorized link. Unpack the archive to a directory.
(Optional) Push PMF images to a private docker container registry
To push PMF images to a private docker container registry, follow below steps #1. Unpack the PMF package into a work directory (say mfoskpg).
mkdir mfospkg
tar xzvf PMF-OpenShift-Pak-<version>.tar.gz -C mfospkg/
#2. Load and push the images to the container registry from local machine. Ensure the following commands are run with values as per your environment.
export OPERATOR_IMAGE_TAG="9.1.0"
export IMAGE_TAG="9.1.0"
cd images
ls * | xargs -I{} docker load --input {}
for file in * ; do
docker tag ${file/.tar.gz/} ${CONTAINER_REGISTRY_URL}/${file/.tar.gz/}
docker push ${CONTAINER_REGISTRY_URL}/${file/.tar.gz/}
for MF_IMAGE in "mfpf-server" "mfpf-analytics" "mfpf-push" "mfpf-analytics-recvr" "mfpf-liveupdate" "mfpf-appcenter" "mfpf-elasticsearch" "mf-operator" "es-operator"
docker manifest annotate ${CONTAINER_REGISTRY_URL}/${MF_IMAGE}:${IMAGE_TAG} ${CONTAINER_REGISTRY_URL}/${MF_IMAGE}:${IMAGE_TAG}-amd64 --os linux --arch amd64
docker manifest push ${CONTAINER_REGISTRY_URL}/${MF_IMAGE}:${IMAGE_TAG} --insecure
- Update CONTAINER_REGISTRY_URL to your own private container registry,
- OPERATOR_IMAGE_TAG and IMAGE_TAG should be updated to PMF downloaded image version.
Set up the OpenShift project for PMF
Follow the steps outlined in this section to deploy the PMF OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) package to Red Hat OpenShift cluster.
#1. Log in to Red Hat OpenShift cluster with administrator privileges and create new namespace using below command.
oc new-project mfp
#2. Create docker registry secret by replacing the apikey and password in the following command.
oc create secret docker-registry -n mfp mfp-image-pullsecret --docker-username=<username> --docker-password=<your_password>
#3. Create console secrets for the respective components by using following command.
oc create secret generic serverlogin --from-literal=MFPF_ADMIN_USER=admin --from-literal=MFPF_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin
oc create secret generic appcenterlogin --from-literal=MFPF_APPCNTR_ADMIN_USER=admin --from-literal=MFPF_APPCNTR_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin
#4. Create a secret with database credentials.
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
MFPF_ADMIN_DB_USERNAME: <base64-encoded-string>
MFPF_ADMIN_DB_PASSWORD: <base64-encoded-string>
MFPF_RUNTIME_DB_USERNAME: <base64-encoded-string>
MFPF_RUNTIME_DB_PASSWORD: <base64-encoded-string>
MFPF_PUSH_DB_USERNAME: <base64-encoded-string>
MFPF_PUSH_DB_PASSWORD: <base64-encoded-string>
MFPF_LIVEUPDATE_DB_USERNAME: <base64-encoded-string>
MFPF_LIVEUPDATE_DB_PASSWORD: <base64-encoded-string>
MFPF_APPCNTR_DB_USERNAME: <base64-encoded-string>
MFPF_APPCNTR_DB_PASSWORD: <base64-encoded-string>
kind: Secret
name: mfpf-server-db-secret
type: Opaque
NOTE: An encoded string can be obtained using echo -n
| base64
#5. (Optional) To connect to Db2 database that runs on SSL, do the following steps:
If the schema already exists,
- Set the property enabled to false under
If the schema does not exist,
- Set the property enabled to true under global.dbinit so that the script will create tables according to the enable components.
To establish connection with the existing schema, set the following values:
a. Run the following keytool command to create a truststore file based on the Db2 SSL certificate:
If you are referring to Db2 database on IBM Cloud, then download the SSL certificate from the settings page of the Db2 dashboard.
keytool -importcert -keystore trustStore.jks -storepass pmfcloud -file DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt -alias db2sslcert
NOTE: Do not change the name of the truststore file, trustStore.jks.
b. Create a secret with truststore file and truststore password. You can choose to have a different password.
oc create secret generic db2sslsecret --from-file=./trustStore.jks --from-literal=TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD=pmfcloud
c. In deploy/crds/charts_v1_mfoperator_cr.yaml file, set the value of ssl property to true and also provide the secret created in the previous step for the sslTrustStoreSecret of the db section.
NOTE: To enable/disable specific PMF components, Refer Custom Resource definitions for the details.
NOTE: To enable PMF Analytics, Elasticsearch operator must be deployed, For steps to deploy Elasticsearch operator, see here.
Deploy the PMF Operator
- Update image pull secret name in deploy/service_account.yaml (REPLACE_SECRET).
- Update namespace name in deploy/role_binding.yaml (REPLACE_NAMESPACE).
- Navigate to deploy folder inside PMF OpenShift package and run the following commands to deploy CRD, operator and install Security Context Constraints (SCC).
export MFOS_PROJECT=<namespace_to_deploy_mobilefoundation>
oc create -f deploy/crds/charts_v1_mfoperator_crd.yaml
oc create -f deploy/service_account.yaml
oc create -f deploy/role.yaml
oc create -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
oc create –f deploy/scc.yaml
oc adm policy add-scc-to-group mf-operator system:serviceaccounts:$MFOS_PROJECT
oc create -f deploy/operator.yaml
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin system:serviceaccount:$MFOS_PROJECT:mf-operator
Deploy PMF components
#1. To deploy any of the PMF components, modify the custom resource configuration deploy/crds/charts_v1_mfoperator_cr.yaml
according to your requirements. Complete reference to the custom configuration is found here.
IMPORTANT NOTE : To access the PMF instances after deployment we need to configure ingress hostname. Please make sure ingress is configured in the custom resource configuration. Refer this link on configuring the same.
oc apply -f deploy/crds/charts_v1_mfoperator_cr.yaml
#2. Run the following command and ensure the pods are created and running successfully. In a deployment scenario where PMF Server and push are enabled with 3 replicas each (default), the output looks as shown below.
$ oc get pods
mf-operator-5db7bb7w5d-b29j7 1/1 Running 0 1m
mfpf-server-2327bbewss-3bw31 1/1 Running 0 1m 20s
mfpf-server-29kw92mdlw-923ks 1/1 Running 0 1m 21s
mfpf-server-5woxq30spw-3bw31 1/1 Running 0 1m 19s
mfpf-push-2womwrjzmw-239ks 1/1 Running 0 59s
mfpf-push-29kw92mdlw-882pa 1/1 Running 0 52s
mfpf-push-1b2w2s973c-983lw 1/1 Running 0 52s
NOTE: Pods in Running (1/1) status shows the service is available for access. #3. Check if the routes are created for accessing the PMF endpoints by running the following command.
$ oc get routes
ibm-mf-cr-1fdub-mfp-ingress-57khp /imfpush ibm-mf-cr--mfppush 9080 None
ibm-mf-cr-1fdub-mfp-ingress-8skfk /mfpconsole ibm-mf-cr--mfpserver 9080 None
ibm-mf-cr-1fdub-mfp-ingress-dqjr7 /doc ibm-mf-cr--mfpserver 9080 None
ibm-mf-cr-1fdub-mfp-ingress-ncqdg /mfpadminconfig ibm-mf-cr--mfpserver 9080 None
ibm-mf-cr-1fdub-mfp-ingress-x8t2p /mfpadmin ibm-mf-cr--mfpserver 9080 None
ibm-mf-cr-1fdub-mfp-ingress-xt66r /mfp ibm-mf-cr--mfpserver 9080 None
Deploying PMF Analytics
Elasticsearch operator is a prerequisite to deploy Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics on OpenShift cluster.
#1. (Mandatory) A pre-created PersistentVolume (PV) and PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) or Storageclass should be available.
#2. Create the file at preferred location and add below variables in it:
allowed.hostname : This property indicates single/list of whitelisted servers those are granted to send request to the application.
For example:
maximum.request and time.window : This property indicates maximum number of invalid login attempts those are granted in a configured time interval defined in a property time.window. That means if request count is set as 20 and time windows is set as 1, then 19 invalid login attempts would be allowed in a 1 minute. Post 19 requests unless configured time window of 1 minute doesn’t gets lapsed, user will not be allowed to login even with correct credentials.
#3. Create a configmap and provide a full file path of For example :
oc create configmap analytics-custom-config --from-file= /opt/
You can set this path as desired, no mandate to keep the file under /opt. Make sure update this configmap in deployment file for analytics you can edit the deployment yaml and mention the configmap name otherwise Analytics will not be able to identify user configuration and continue to run on default settings. #4. If mfpanalytics component is not enabled already then enable it in MFOperator CR yaml file and reapply the cr yaml.
kubectl apply -f crds/charts_v1_mfoperator_cr.yaml
#5. Whenever you make any changes to configmap, restart of analytics pod is must to reflect the updates for that you can simply delete the pod.
Deploy Elasticsearch operator
#1. Log in to the Openshift cluster and create a new project.
oc login -u <username> -p <password> <cluster-url>
oc new-project mfp
#2. Create docker registry secret by replacing the apikey and password in the following command.
oc create secret docker-registry -n mfp mfp-image-pullsecret --docker-username=<username> --docker-password=<your_password>
#3. Add ImagePullSecret (mfp-image-pullsecret) by replacing REPLACE_SECRET
placeholder in the file es/deploy/service_account.yaml
#4. Update Namespace name by replacing REPLACE_NAMESPACE placeholder in the file es/deploy/role_binding.yaml
#5. For Elasticsearch deployment, either claimName (PVC) or storageClassName must be specified in es/deploy/crds/charts_v1_esoperator_cr.yaml
storageClassName: ""
claimName: ""
#6. To use claimName, PV and PVC should be configured. Use the following command configure a PersistentVolume (PV).
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: mfanalyticspv
name: mfanalyticspv
storage: 20Gi
- ReadWriteMany
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
path: <nfs-mount-volume-path>
server: <nfs-server-hostname-or-ip>
To configure a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) use the following command.
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: mfanalyticsvolclaim
namespace: <projectname-or-namespace>
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 20Gi
name: mfanalyticspv
volumeName: mfanalyticspv
Note: Ensure that you add the
entries in the yaml and ensure that the PVC is in bound state.
#7. Execute the following commands to deploy the Elasticsearch operator.
oc create -f es/deploy/crds/charts_v1_esoperator_crd.yaml
oc create -f es/deploy/service_account.yaml
oc create -f es/deploy/role.yaml
oc create -f es/deploy/role_binding.yaml
oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:serviceaccounts:mfp
oc create -f es/deploy/operator.yaml
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin system:serviceaccount:mfp:es-operator
Ensure to update image pull secret and storageclass/pvc name in Custom resource yaml:
oc apply -f es/deploy/crds/charts_v1_esoperator_cr.yaml
#8. After the deployment is completed, Elasticsearch runs as an internal service and can be used by Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics.
While deploying Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics, update
in the ESOperator CR yaml with the project name where Elasticsearch is deployed. This change is required only if Elasticsearch is deployed in a different namespace then Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics
Accessing the console of PMF components
Following are the endpoints for accessing the consoles of PMF components
- PMF Server Administration Console -
- Operational Analytics Console -
- Application Center Console -
For Operator image, a default random console password will be generated, which can be obtained by running the commands below depending on the components you chose during the deployment. You can override the default behaviour. For more details, refer here.
oc get secret mf-mfpserver-consolesecret -o jsonpath='{.data.MFPF_ADMIN_PASSWORD}' | base64 -D
oc get secret mf-mfpanalytics-consolesecret -o jsonpath='{.data.MFPF_ANALYTICS_ADMIN_PASSWORD}' | base64 -D
oc get secret mf-mfpappcenter-consolesecret -o jsonpath='{.data.MFPF_APPCNTR_ADMIN_PASSWORD}' | base64 -D
Use the following commands to perform uninstallation:
oc delete -f deploy/crds/charts_v1_mfoperator_cr.yaml
If the above command gets stuck, then run the patch command:
oc patch crd/ -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge"
oc delete -f deploy/
oc delete -f deploy/crds/charts_v1_mfoperator_crd.yaml
Uninstall Elasticsearch
oc delete -f es/deploy/crds/charts_v1_esoperator_cr.yaml
If the above command gets stuck, then run the patch command:
oc patch crd/ -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge"
oc delete -f es/deploy/
oc delete -f es/deploy/crds/charts_v1_esoperator_crd.yaml
For installation related issues, perform the following actions: You might encounter issues when you install PMF on Red Hat OpenShift cluster. Following are some of the common issues you may encounter during the installation process:
mf-operator pod does not show up Possible cause: The
is not deployed ormf-operator scc
assignment is not done. Error:$ oc get rs NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE mf-operator-87b88494f 1 0 0 33s $ oc describe rs mf-operator-87b88494f Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Warning FailedCreate 96s (x14 over 2m17s) replicaset-controller Error creating: pods "mf-operator-87b88494f-" is forbidden: unable to validate against any security context constraint: [spec.containers[0].securityContext.securityContext.runAsUser: Invalid value: 1001: must be in the ranges: [1000570000, 1000579999]]
Resolution: Assign
mf-operator scc
by using the following command:oc adm policy add-scc-to-group mf-operator system:serviceaccounts:<project-name>
Operator pod STATUS shows
Possible cause: Image pull secret is not updated in
. The updated pull secret does not exist or the secret exists with wrong registry credentials.Error:
$ oc get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE mf-operator-87b88494f-gtpq2 0/1 ErrImagePull 0 4s
Resolution: Ensure that the image pull secret is created with right registry credentials and the same secret name is updated in
. -
After deploying custom resource, no pods show up.
Possible cause: The namespace name is not updated in
or wrong namespace name is updated. Error in operator pod logs:Failed to list, Kind=MFOperator: is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:mfnew:mf-operator" cannot list resource "mfoperators" in API group "" in the namespace "mfnew"
Resolution: Ensure proper namespace name is updated in
. -
shows errorPossible cause: Db details (host, port and name) provided in custom resource(charts_v1_mfoperator_cr.yaml) are not correct, Db is not reachable or dbsecret is created with wrong credentials.
$ oc get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE ibm-mf-dbinit-job-9c2gb 0/3 Error 3 32s
db-init pod
log reports error particularly forTABLE PUSH_DEVICES
, then PMF database could have been created without PAGESIZE. Refer here to create a database with PAGESIZE.Resolution: Correct the DB details and redeploy.
PMF pods show 0/1 READY
$ oc get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE ibm-mf-defaultsecrets-job-7z42m 0/1 Completed 0 5m21s ibm-mf-push-77fb65c758-wtg28 0/1 Running 0 5m16s ibm-mf-server-d87ddf67f-x9n4x 0/1 Running 0 5m16s
Check if the Database that PMF is connected to is reachable or not. For more details on the issue, check the pod logs.
Resolution: If no errors are shown on the pod logs and Db is reachable, delete the existing pods so that new pods are recreated. For any other issues, check the operator pod logs to get more details on the issue.
Elasticsearch data pod is not coming up properly
Possible cause: Storage class is not provided in custom resource (charts_v1_esoperator_cr.yaml) or the provided PVC does not have proper access for the Elasticsearch to write data.
Resolution: If the
is provided in custom resource(charts_v1_esoperator_cr.yaml), then make sure Elasticsearch data has access to the mount location. Run the following commands on the mount path:chown -R 1001:1001 <mount_path> chmod -R ug+rwx <mount_path>
PMF routes are not created/accessible
Possible cause:
is not updated in custom resource yaml or pods are not properly running.Resolution: Update
and redeploy the custom resource.
- For PMF deployment related issues, share the following information with PSL Support:
- Version of the mf-operator installed. You can get it from
file - PMF custom resource (
) - Output of
oc get pods
- Operator pod logs (
oc logs <mf-operator-pod-name>
) - Output of command
oc describe pod <pod-name>
for each pod - PMF pod logs (
oc logs <pod-name>
)of all pods
- Version of the mf-operator installed. You can get it from
For PMF functionality related issues: Enable PMF traces using Custom configuration described here Get the logs by running the following command:
oc cp <server-pod-name>:/logs/messages.log ./server-messages.log oc cp <server-pod-name>:/logs/trace.log ./server-trace.log
- For es-operator related issues, share the following information with PSL Support:
- Version of the es-operator installed. You can get it from
file - Elasticsearch custom resource (
) - Output of
oc get pods
- Operator pod logs (
oc logs <es-operator-pod-name>
) - Output of command
oc describe pod <pod-name>
for each pod - Elasticsearch pod logs (
oc logs <pod-name>
)of all pods
- Version of the es-operator installed. You can get it from
Additional References
- Setting up of PMF databases
- Custom Resource configuration parameters for PMF
- Scenarios in enabling Ingress