Enabling Ingress parameters

Enabling Ingress parameters

To access the deployed PMF instances on OpenShift Cluster, one need to configure the ingress. Following scenarios helps one to achieve the same.

  1. For HTTP Deployments, ingress section in deploy/crds/charts_v1_mfoperator_cr.yaml looks as below:

       hostname: "myhost.mydomain.com"
       secret: ""
       sslPassThrough: false
  2. For HTTPS deployments, TLS secret is mandatory.
    • Generate tls.key and tls.crt using the following command:

      openssl genrsa -out tls.key 2048
      openssl req -new -x509 -key tls.key -out tls.cert -days 360 -subj /CN=myhost.mydomain.com
      oc create secret tls mf-tls-secret --cert=tls.cert --key=tls.key
    • Create ingress tls secret using following command:

      kubectl create secret tls mf-tls-secret --key=tls.key --cert=tls.crt

    ingress section in deploy/crds/charts_v1_mfoperator_cr.yaml looks as below:

       hostname: "myhost.mydomain.com"
       secret: "mf-tls-secret"
       sslPassThrough: false
  3. For HTTPS to backend services, tls.crt needs to be imported to keystore.jks and truststore.jks.

    Pre-create a secret with keystore.jks and truststore.jks by including the tls.crt created in step 2 into the keystore and truststore along with keystore and truststore password using the literals KEYSTORE_PASSWORD and TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD. Provide the secret name in the field keystoreSecret of respective component in the deploy/crds/charts_v1_mfoperator_cr.yaml.

    Keep the files keystore.jks, truststore.jks and its passwords as below.

    For example,

     oc create secret generic server-stores --from-file=./keystore.jks --from-file=./truststore.jks --from-literal=KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=worklight --from-literal=TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD=worklight

    NOTE: The names of the files and literals should be the same as mentioned in command above. Provide this secret name in keystoreSecret input field of respective component to override the default keystores when configuring custom resource.

    ingress section in deploy/crds/charts_v1_mfoperator_cr.yaml looks as below:

       hostname: "myhost.mydomain.com"
       secret: "mf-tls-secret"
       sslPassThrough: false
     https: true
       keystoreSecret: "server-stores"
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