Node.js Validator


Persistent Mobile Foundation provides a Node.js framework to enforce security capabilities on external resources.
The Node.js framework is provided as an npm module (passport-mfp-token-validation).

This tutorial shows how to protect a simple Node.js resource, GetBalance, by using a scope (accessRestricted).


The passport-mfp-token-validation module

The passport-mfp-token-validation module provides an authentication mechanism to verify access tokens that are issued by the PMF.

To install the module, run:

npm install passport-mfp-token-validation@9.1.X


  • The sample uses the express and passport-mfp-token-validation modules:

    var express = require('express');
    var passport = require('passport-mfp-token-validation').Passport;
    var mfpStrategy = require('passport-mfp-token-validation').Strategy;
  • Set up the Strategy as follows:

    passport.use(new mfpStrategy({
      authServerUrl: 'http://localhost:9080/mfp/api',
      confClientID: 'testclient',
      confClientPass: 'testclient',
      analytics: {
          onpremise: {
              url: 'http://localhost:9080/analytics-service/rest/v3',
              username: 'admin',
              password: 'admin'
  • authServerUrl: Replace localhost:9080 with your PMF IP address and port number.
  • confClientID, confClientPass: Replace the confidential client ID and password with the ones that you defined in the PMF Operations Console.
  • analytics: The analytics item is optional, and required only if you wish to log analytics events to PMF.
    Replace localhost:9080, username, and password with your Analytics Server IP address, port number, user name, and password.

  • Authenticate requests by calling passport.authenticate:

    var app = express();
    app.get('/getBalance', passport.authenticate('mobilefirst-strategy', {
        session: false,
        scope: 'accessRestricted'
    function(req, res) {
    var server = app.listen(3000, function() {
        var port = server.address().port
        console.log("Sample app listening at http://localhost:%s", port)
  • The Strategy to employ should be mobilefirst-strategy.
  • Set session to false.
  • Specify the scope name.

Sample application

Download the Node.js sample.

Sample usage

  1. Navigate to the sample’s root folder and run the command: npm install followed by: npm start.
  2. Make sure to update the confidential client and secret values in the PMF Operations Console.
  3. Deploy either of the security checks: UserLogin or PinCodeAttempts.
  4. Register the matching application.
  5. Map the accessRestricted scope to the security check.
  6. Update the client application to make the WLResourceRequest to your servlet URL.
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