Best Practices for setting up Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics production Cluster
This topic describes the list of best practices that include the DOs and the DON’Ts to be followed while setting up an Analytics Server in production.
PMF Analytics Server - Configuration settings
Data purging has to be applied to the production environment, mandatorily, in order to not persist the entire document set from the beginning. By setting the appropriate TTL values for various event documents, the search scope for Elasticsearch queries can be reduced considerably. Following are the TTL values that are to be set for the Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics v9.1 Server:
TTL properties for Analytics Event/Documents
- TTL_PushNotification
- TTL_PushSubscriptionSummarizedHourly
- TTL_ServerLog
- TTL_AppSession
- TTL_AppSessionSummarizedHourly
- TTL_CustomData
- TTL_AppPushAction
- TTL_AppPushActionSummarizedHourly
- TTL_PushSubscription
Example usage:
<jndiEntry jndiName="analytics/TTL_AppLog" value= '"20d"' />
TTL value are expected to be String literals and should be passed within single quotes.
If the TTl entry for a particular document-type is not defined in JNDI property, then the TTL value is set to 90 by default.
PMF Analytics Server - Topology
Multi-Node Analytics Cluster
- It is important to have a load balancer in front of the nodes to ensure that the analytics layer is offered an even load across the nodes.
- In a two-node analytics cluster when a load balancer is not used, it is good to configure or use the Analytics console of the node that is not used for accepting the data from the Persistent Mobile Foundation Server.
For example:
Consider that there are two nodes for the analytics server. In such a case, the recommendation for Persistent Mobile Foundation server configuration for analytics is as below:
mfp/ -> http://node1:9080/analytics-service/rest
mfp/ -> http://node2:9080/analytic/console
NOT recommended:
mfp/ -> http://node1:9080/analytics-service/rest
mfp/ -> http://node1:9080/analytic/console
This allows the user to reduce the load on the nodes when the user views the analytics console.
PMF Analytics Server - Performance Tuning
Operating System Tuning
- Increase the allowed number of open file descriptors to 32k or 64k.
- Increase the virtual memory map counts.
Note: Check the corresponding documentation for the Operating System .
Analytics Tuning
- Both Java Xms and Xmx has to be set (Min and Max) as same.
- Maximum allowed Heapsize Per JVM <= RAM Size/2.
- Number of Primary Shards = Number of Nodes of the Analytics Cluster.
- Number of Replica per shard >= 2.
Note: If there is only one node then there is no need of a replica.
Elasticsearch Tuning
Elasticsearch tuning can be performed in a separate YAML file (for example, it can named as elasticsearchconfig.yml
), the path to this file can be configured in the analytics server configuration (using the JNDI properties).
Property Name: analytics/settingspath
Value: <path_to_the_ES_config_yml>
Apply the Elasticsearch tuning parameters by adding the values to a .yml
file and accessing it using the JNDI entry.
Elasticsearch tuning parameters are to be considered for a basic tuning of the environment and can be tuned further based on the infrastructure resources:
Set a value for indices.fielddata.cache.size
For example:
indices.fielddata.cache.size: 35%
Note: Use analytics/indices.fielddata.cache.size with caution. Do not increase it to a high value, as increasing this value can cause OutofMemory. The underlying technology used by the analytics platform loads several field values into memory to provide faster access to those documents. This is known as the field cache. By default, the amount of data loaded into memory by the field cache is unbounded. If the field cache becomes too large, it can cause an out of memory exception and crash the analytics platform.
Set a value for indices.fielddata.breaker.limit.
Set indices.fielddata.breaker.limit to a value greater than indices.fielddata.cache.size.
So, if the cache size is 35%, set breaker limit to a value greater than the cache size.
Set a value for indices.fielddata.cache.expire.
This value sets the expiry time of the Elasticsearch cache and prevents the cache from growing unbound and filling up the heap.
A time-based setting that expires field data after a certain time of inactivity. Defaults to -1. For example, can be set to 5 m for a 5 minute expiry.
The default setting for Analytics is to NOT purge any data.
Configure the TTL appropriately to ensure that data is purged. Otherwise, the data store can grow in an unlimited manner.
PMF Analytics Server - DOs and DON’Ts
- Avoid clearing the analyticsData directory when the analytics nodes are running.
- In a multi node cluster, avoid using the same node for pushing the events into analytics cluster and access the console. Best practice would be to use a Load balancer in front of the analytics cluster.
- Avoid using any other Application Server clustering methodologies for Analytics Cluster. The underlying Elasticsearch creates cluster on its own using its node discovery mechanisms.
- Never increase the Analytics min/max heap size to value greater than half of the RAM Size on the node. For instance, if you have a node with RAM size of 16 GB then the max allowed heap size is 8 GB for analytics.
- For analytics cluster name (analytics/clustername JNDI property), use a unique cluster name. Avoid using the default name worklight.
PMF Analytics Server - SDK issues
1. Cordova Applications must initialize at native platform for Lifecycle events to enable AppSession capture
In Persistent Mobile Foundation v9.1, the app sessions are incremented/recorded when the app goes from background to foreground.
Capturing AppSessions is enabled by adding listeners for lifecycle events. The native SDKs provide appropriate APIs for adding these listeners. However, in the case of Cordova there is no JavaScript API for adding these lifecycle event listeners. Instead, the listeners have to be added using native platform APIs even for Cordova applications.
Excerpt from the documentation:
After the Analytics SDK is configured, app sessions start to be recorded on the users device. A session in Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics is recorded when the app is moved from the foreground to the background, which creates a session on the Analytics Console. As soon as the device is set up to record sessions and you send your data, you can see the Analytics Console populated with data, as shown below.
For example, for a Cordova app on iOS Platform (iOS) it is mandatory to add the following under AppDelegate.m
[[WLAnalytics sharedInstance] addDeviceEventListener:LIFECYCLE];
[[WLAnalytics sharedInstance] send];
2. View the custom Data on Analytics console
To quickly locate the custom data sent to Analytics server using the Analytics Client SDK APIs, following step can be performed.
Go to Analytics Console > Dashboard > Custom Charts > Create a Custom Chart
For more information refer to the documentation here.
PMF Analytics Server - Troubleshooting steps
- Customer Environment Version:
Gather the details of the complete software stack, including OS, JDK/JRE, AppServer, Persistent Mobile Foundation version, and Persistent Mobile Foundation build version. - Compare the environment details with Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics Software Compatibility Matrix/requirements.
- Gather the Analytics Topology & Hardware specifications used.
- Check if there was any performance tuning performed (in case of performance issues).
- Gather the Persistent Mobile Foundation Server’s
(Liberty) to verify the Analytics integration configuration. - Gather the screen shot of the Analytics administration console.
- Gather the Analytics
(Liberty) to verify the Analytics integration configuration. - Collect the output of the following REST APIs (listed under the section – Important Commands & APIs for troubleshooting analytics issues).
Utilities for troubleshooting
Following are the open source tools which can be effectively used to visualize and administer the elasticsearch indices, data/shard allocation etc.
Important Commands & APIs For Troubleshooting Analytics Issues
Use cURL to run the following REST APIs to capture the response for identifying various information about the cluster/shard/indices:
Prerequisites to run the analytics:
- Create the file at preferred location and add below variables in it:
allowed.hostname= maximum.request=20 time.window=1
allowed.hostname : This property indicates single/list of whitelisted servers those are granted to send request to the application. If multiple whitelisting is needed, then each server name should be separated by comma. For example: allowed.hostname= localhost, Above configuration would allow analytics to work only on localhost or the IP mentioned, all other request received other than the mentioned would be rejected. If no value is provided, then default considered server name for whitelisting would be localhost.
maximum.request and time.window : This property indicates maximum number of invalid login attempts those are granted in a configured time interval defined in a property time.window. That means if request count is set as 20 and time windows is set as 1, then 19 invalid login attempts would be allowed in a 1 minute. Post 19 requests unless configured time window of 1 minute doesn’t gets lapsed, user will not be allowed to login even with correct credentials.
- Create a configmap and provide a full file path of
For example :
Make sure this variable is available on a system as environment otherwise Analytics will not be able to identify user configuration and continue to run on default settings.
- Whenever you make any changes to properties file, restart of server instance is must to reflect the updates.
Security recommendations:
Secure cookies: Missing secure flag on cookies could allow attacker to read the cookies and make unintended use of it, this can be avoided by setting listed flags in liberty server configuration:
To have secure flag on session cookies set the configuration as:
<httpSession cookieSecure="true" cookieHttpOnly="true" />
To have secure flag on LtpaToken cookies, make sure you access the application on https protocol. Below property should be added in server configuration only if you are accessing application on https. If it is on http, you should disable the given configuration:
<webAppSecurity logoutOnHttpSessionExpire="true" ssoRequiresSSL="true" />