Migrating IBM MFP 8.0 to PMF 9.0


Follow this tutorial for a full-fledged migration to Persistent Mobile Foundation v9.0 for different Application server and Database combinations. Below scenarios explain the detailed steps for migration of your setups.

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Migration of IBM Mobile First Platform with WebSphere Application Server and Oracle database to PMF 9.0 using Ant files


1) IBM MobileFirst should be deployed on WebSphere Application Server.

2) Database setup should be present.

3) Backup all the required configuration files

4) Check JAVA_HOME path using echo $JAVA_HOME

5) Administrator user permission required

6) If you are using Push component, follow push configuration document

7) Check appserver to db connectivity using below commands

`nc -w5 -z -v <ip_address> <port_number>`

`netstat -an | grep <port_number> | grep -i listen`

Migration Procedure

A) Pick the appropriate XML file that contains the Ant tasks and configure the properties. For example, if you have WebSphere Application Server and your database is Oracle, you can use the pmf_install_dir/MobileFoundationServer/configuration-samples/configure-was-oracle.xml Ant file

B) Make a copy of the pmf_install_dir/MobileFoundationServer/configuration-samples/ configure-was-oracle.xml file to a working directory. This file contains the Ant tasks for installing Persistent Mobile Foundation Server on WebSphere with oracle as the database. Before you use it, define the properties of MobileFirst to describe where the applications are deployed.

C) Edit the copy of the XML file and set the values of the following properties:

a) Set value of mfp.admin.contextroot to /mfpadmin 

b) Set value of mfp.runtime.contextroot to /mfp 
c) Set value of database.oracle.host to host name of the computer that runs your oracle database. If the database is on the same computer, use localhost. 

d) Set value of database.oracle.port to the port to which the oracle instance is listening. By default, it is 1521.  

e) Set value of database.oracle.driver to oracle jdbc driver. 

f) Set value of database.oracle.mfp.dbname to PMF database name.

g) Set value of database.oracle.mfp.schema to provide PMF database schema name

h) Set value of database.oracle.mfp.username to PMF oracle user. 

i) Set value of appserver.was.installdir to the WebSphere installation directory. 

j) Set value of appserver.was.admin.name to administrator of the WAS server. 

k) Set value of appserver.was.profile to name of the WAS profile. 

l) Set value of appserver.was.serverInstance to name of the WAS server. 

m) Set value of mfp.farm.configure to false if PMF is in stand-alone mode. 

n) Set value of mfp.analytics.configure to true. If PMF using analytics. 

o) Set value of mfp.analytics.receiver.configure to true. If PMF using analytics receiver  

p) Set value of mfp.admin.client.id to PMF admin client id. 

q) Set value of mfp.admin.client.secret to PMF admin secret. 

r) Set value of mfp.push.client.id to PMF push client id. 

s) Set value of mfp.push.client.secret to PMF push secret. 

t) Set value of mfp.config.admin.user to PMF config admin user. 

u) Set value of mfp.config.admin.password to PMF config admin password. 

v) Set value of mfp.admin.console.install to true 

w) Set value of mfp.admin.default.user to PMF Operations Console user. 

x) Set value of mfp.admin.default.user.initialpassword to PMF Operations Console password. 
  • Verify the value of the mfp.server.install.dir property in the Ant file. It must point to the directory that contains the product with the fix pack applied. This value is used to take the updated PMF WAR files.

  • Run pmf_install_dir/tools/apache-ant-1.9.4/bin ant -f file-path/configure-was-oracle.xml to show a list of possible targets for the Ant file.

  • Run pmf_install_dir/tools/apache-ant-1.9.4/bin ant -f file-path /configure-was-oracle.xml update to update Persistent Mobile Foundation Server.


  • After the migration is completed, you can use this procedure to test the components that are updated.

  • Start the profile by using the command ./startServer.sh server1 -profileName . You can test PMF Operations Console on a web browser. Go to http://host:port/mfpconsole

Note: Migration procedure may vary depending on the infrastructure/topology of the installation environment and might need some changes after analysis of customer setup.

Migration of IBM Mobile First Platform with WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment and Oracle database to Persistent Mobile Foundation 9.0 using Ant file


1) IBM MobileFirst should be deployed on WebSphere Application Server.

2) Database setup should be present.

3) Backup all the required configuration files

4) Check JAVA_HOME path using echo $JAVA_HOME

5) Administrator user permission required

6) If you are using Push component, follow push configuration document

7) Check appserver to db connectivity using below commands

nc -w5 -z -v <ip_address> <port_number>

netstat -an | grep <port_number> | grep -i listen

Migration Procedure

A) Choose the appropriate XML file that contains the Ant tasks and configure the properties. For example, if you have WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment and your database is Oracle, you can use the pmf_install_dir/MobileFoundationServer/configuration-samples/configure-wasnd-cluster-oracle.xml file.

B) Copy pmf_install_dir/MobileFoundationServer/configuration-samples/ configure-wasnd-cluster-oracle.xml file to a working directory. This file contains the Ant tasks for installing Persistent Mobile Foundation Server on WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment with oracle as the database. Before you use it, define the properties of IBM MobileFirst to describe where the applications are deployed.

C) Edit the copy of the XML file and set the values of the following properties:

a) Set value of mfp.server.install.dir to extracted zip file path of Persistent Mobile Foundation example: pmf_install_dir/Persistent_Mobile_Foundation

b) Set value of mfp.admin.contextroot to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst admin contextroot

c) Set value of mfp.admin.console.install to true

d) Set value of mfp.admin.default.user to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst admin default user

e) Set value of mfp.admin.default.user.initialpassword to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst admin default user initialpassword

f) Set value of mfp.runtime.contextroot to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst runtime contextroot

g) Set value of mfp.authorization.url.auto to false

h) Set value of mfp.authorization.url to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst authorization url

i) Set value of mfp.admin.client.id to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst admin client id

j) Set value of mfp.admin.client.secret to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst admin client secret

D) Below properties are specific to Application server, provide properties which are in use for IBM MobileFirst

a) Set value of appserver.was.admin.password to  was admin password of the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment server.

b) Set value of appserver.was.admin.name to administrator of the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment server.

c) Set value of appserver.was.profile to name of the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Dmgr profile.

d) Set value of appserver.was.nd.cluster.admin to cluster name of the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.

e) Set value of appserver.was.nd.cluster.runtime to runtime cluster name of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.

f) Set value of appserver.was.nd.cluster.push to push cluster name of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment

E) Below properties are specific to database, provide properties which are in use for IBM MobileFirst

a) Set value of database.oracle.host to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst Oracle database hostname.

b) Set value of database.oracle.port to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst Oracle database port.

c) Set value of database.oracle.driver to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst Oracle jdbc driver.

d) Set value of database.oracle.mfp.dbname to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst Oracle database name.

e) Set value of database.oracle.mfp.schema to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst Oracle database schema name

f) Set value of database.oracle.mfp.username to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst Oracle user.

g) Set value of database.oracle.mfp.password to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst Oracle database password

F) Below properties are specific to PUSH component, provide if push component already in use for IBM MobileFirst

a) Set value of mfp.process.push to true

b) Set value of mfp.push.url to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst push url.

c) Set value of mfp.push.client.id to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst push client id.

d) Set value of mfp.push.client.secret to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst push client secret.

G) Below properties are specific to Liveupdate component, provide if Liveupdate component already in use for IBM MobileFirst

a) Set value of mfp.process.liveupdate to true

b) Set value of mfp.liveupdate.url to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst liveupdate url.

c) Set value of mfp.liveupdate.client.id to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst liveupdate client id.

d) Set value of mfp.liveupdate.client.secret to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst liveupdate client secret.

H) Below properties are specific to operational analytics component, provide if Analytics component already in use for IBM MobileFirst

a) Set value of mfp.analytics.configure to true.

b) Set value of mfp.analytics.url to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst analytics url.

c) Set value of mfp.analytics.console.url to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst console url

d) Set value of mfp.analytics.user to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst analytics user

e) Set value of mfp.analytics.client.id to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst client id

f) Set value of mfp.analytics.client.secret to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst client secret

g) Set value of mfp.analytics.user.password to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst Analytics user password

I) Below properties are specific to receiver analytics component, provide if receiver Analytics component already in use for IBM MobileFirst

a) Set value of mfp.analytics.receiver.configure to true

b) Set value of mfp.analytics.receiver.url to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst analytics receiver url

c) Set value of mfp.analytics.receiver.user to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst analytics receiver user

d) Set value of mfp.analytics.receiver.client.id to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst analytics receiver client id

e) Set value of mfp.analytics.receiver.client.secret to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst analytics receiver client secret

f) Set value of mfp.analytics.receiver.user.password to the value of existing IBM MobileFirst Analytics receiver password

Save the above changes and run the below ant commands:

  • Run pmf_install_dir/tools/apache-ant-1.9.4/bin ant -f file-path to show a list of possible targets for the Ant file.

  • Run pmf_install_dir/tools/apache-ant-1.9.4/bin ant -f file-path / configure-wasnd-cluster-oracle.xml admupdate to update Persistent Mobile Foundation admin component

  • Run pmf_install_dir/tools/apache-ant-1.9.4/bin ant -f file-path / configure-wasnd-cluster-oracle.xml rtmupdate to update Persistent Mobile Foundation runtime component

  • Run pmf_install_dir/tools/apache-ant-1.9.4/bin ant -f file-path / configure-wasnd-cluster-oracle.xml pushupdate to update Persistent Mobile Foundation push component

  • Run pmf_install_dir/tools/apache-ant-1.9.4/bin ant -f file-path / configure-wasnd-cluster-oracle.xml liveupdateupdate to update Persistent Mobile Foundation live update component


  • After the migration is completed, you can use this procedure to test the components that are updated.

  • Start the profile by using the command ./startServer.sh server1 -profileName . You can test PMF Operations Console on a web browser. Go to http://host:port/mfpconsole

Note: Migration procedure may vary depending on the infrastructure/topology of the installation environment and might need some changes after analysis of customer setup.

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