Using the Persistent Mobile Foundation Operations Console
The Persistent Mobile Foundation (PMF) Operations Console is a web-based UI which enables simplified work flows for both the developer and the administrator to create, monitor, secure and administer applications & adapters.
As a developer
- Develop applications for any environment and register them to PMF.
- See all your deployed applications and adapters at a glance. See the Dashboard.
- Manage and configure registered applications, including Direct Update, remote disablement, and security parameters for application authenticity and user authentication.
- Set up push notification by deploying certificates, creating notification tags, and sending notification.
- Create and deploy adapters.
- Download samples.
As an IT administrator
- Monitor various services.
- Search for devices that access PMF and manage their access rights.
- Update adapter configurations dynamically.
- Adjust client logger configurations through log profiles.
- Track how product licenses are used.
Accessing the console
The PMF Operations Console can be accessed in the following ways:
From a locally installed PMF
Desktop Browser
From your browser of choice, load the URL http://localhost:9080/mfpconsole. The username/password are admin/admin.
From a Command-line window, with the PMF CLI installed, run the command: pmfdev server console
From a remotely installed PMF
Desktop Browser
From your browser of choice, load the URL http://the-server-host:server-port-number/mfpconsole
The host server can be either a customer-owned server.
From a Command-line window, with the PMF CLI installed,
Add a remote server definition:
Interactive Mode
Run the command:pmfdev server add
and follow the on-screen instructions.Direct Mode
Run the command with the following structure:pmfdev server add [server-name] --URL [remote-server-URL] --login [admin-username] --password [admin-password] --contextroot [admin-service-name]
. For example:pmfdev server add MyRemoteServer http://my-remote-host:9080/ --login TheAdmin --password ThePassword --contextroot mfpadmin
Run the command:
pmfdev server console MyRemoteServer
Navigating the console
The Dashboard provides a glance view of the deployed projects.
Actions dropdown
The dropdown provides quick access to various console actions.
Runtime settings
Edit runtime properties, global security variables, server keystore and confidential clients.
Error log
The Error log shows a list of the failed management operations that were initiated from the PMF Operations Console, or from the command line, on the current runtime environment. Use the log to see the effect of the failure on the servers.
Administrators can search for devices that access the PMF and can manage access rights.
Devices can be searched for using either user ID or using a friendly name. The user ID is the identifier that was used to log-in.
A friendly name is a name that is associated with the device to distinguish it from other devices that share the user ID.
Registering applications
Provide basic application values and download Starter Code.
Managing applications
Manage and configure registered applications by use of Direct Update, Remote Disable, Application Authenticity, and setting security parameters.
Authentication and Security
Configure application security parameters, such as the default token expiration value, map scope elements to security checks, define mandatory application scopes, and configure security-check options.
Application Settings
Configure the display name of the application in the console as well as the application type and licensing.
Set-up push notifications and related parameters, such as certificates and GCM details, define tags, as well as send notifications to devices.
Creating adapters
Register an adapter and download Starter Code, as well as update an adapter on-the-fly by updating its properties without needing to re-build and re-deploy the adapter artifact.
Adapter properties
After an adapter is deployed, it can be configured in the console.
Client logs
Administrators can use log profiles to adjust client logger configurations, such as log level and log package filters, for any combination of operating system, operating system version, application, application version, and device model.
When an administrator creates a configuration profile, the log configuration is concatenated with responses API calls such as WLResourceRequest
, and is applied automatically.
License tracking
Accessible from the top Settings buttons.
License terms vary depending on which edition (Enterprise or Consumer) of PMF is being used. License tracking is enabled by default and tracks metrics relevant to the licensing policy, such as active client devices and installed applications. This information helps determine whether the current usage of PMF is within the license entitlement levels and can prevent potential license violations.
By tracking the usage of client devices and determining whether the devices are active, administrators can decommission devices that should no longer be accessing the service. This situation might arise if an employee has left the company, for example.
For situations where Internet connectivity is not available, you can download a snapshot of the various development artifacts of PMF from the Download Center in the PMF Operations Console.