Updating the Persistent Mobile Foundation server

Updating PMF Server Administration Service, PMF Operations Console, and PMF runtime environment

You can update these components by using Ant tasks.

Note: It is recommended to back up the existing PMF installation directory before you update the PMF server. No special procedure is required when you back up these files, except for ensuring that the PMF server is stopped. Otherwise, the data might change while the backup is occurring, and the data that is stored in memory might not yet be written to the file system. To avoid inconsistent data, stop the PMF server before you start your backup.

Applying a fix pack by using the Ant files

Updating with the sample Ant file

If you use the sample Ant files that are provided in the pmf_install_dir/MobileFoundationServer/configuration-samples directory to install PMF, you can reuse a copy of this Ant file to apply a fix pack. For password values, you can enter 12 stars (*) instead of the actual value, to be prompted interactively when the Ant file is run.

  1. Verify the value of the mfp.server.install.dir property in the Ant file. It must point to the directory that contains the product with the fix pack applied. This value is used to take the updated PMF WAR files.
  2. Run the command: pmf_install_dir/tools/apache-ant-1.9.4/bin/ant -f your_ant_file update

Updating with own Ant file

If you use your own Ant file, make sure that for each installation task (installpmfadmin, installpmfruntime, and installpmfpush), you have a corresponding update task in your Ant file with the same parameters. The corresponding update tasks are updatepmfadmin, updatepmfruntime, and updatepmfpush.

  1. Verify the class path of the taskdef element for the mfp-ant-deployer.jar file. It must point to the mfp-ant-deployer.jar file in an PMF installation that the fix pack is applied. By default, the updated PMF WAR files are taken from the location of mfp-ant-deployer.jar.
  2. Run the update tasks (updatepmfadmin, updatepmfruntime, and updatepmfpush) of your Ant file.

Rollback a fix pack by using the Ant files

Rollback with the sample Ant file

If you use the sample Ant files that are provided in the pmf_install_dir/MobileFoundationServer/configuration-samples directory to install Mobile Foundation server, you can reuse a copy of this Ant file to rollback a fix pack. For password values, you can enter 12 stars (*) instead of the actual value, which will be prompted for interactively when the Ant file is run.

  1. Manually replace the PMF related war files by copying them from the backed up location of PMF install directory (pmf_install_dir/MobileFoundationServer).
  2. Verify the value of the mfp.server.install.dir property in the Ant file. This value is used to take the updated Mobile Foundation server WAR files.
  3. Run the following command:
    pmf_install_dir/tools/apache-ant-1.9.4/bin/ant -f <your_ant_file update>

Rollback with own Ant file

If you use your own Ant file, make sure that for each update/rollback task (installpmfadmin, installpmfruntime, and installpmfpush), you have a corresponding update task in your Ant file with the same parameters. The corresponding update tasks are updatepmfadmin, updatepmfruntime, and updatepmfpush.

  1. Manually replace the PMF related war files by copying them from the backed up location of PMF install directory (pmf_install_dir/MobileFoundationServer).
  2. Verify the class path of the taskdef element for the mfp-ant-deployer.jar file. It must point to the mfp-ant-deployer.jar file in an Mobile Foundation server installation that the fix pack is applied. By default, the updated Mobile Foundation server WAR files are taken from the location of mfp-ant-deployer.jar.
  3. Run the update tasks (updatepmfadmin, updatepmfruntime, and updatepmfpush) of your Ant file.
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