Setting up the React Native development environment
React Native is a framework for building native iOS and Android application using React that helps you rapidly build native mobile applications using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
If you are a developer who has chosen React Native as the framework to develop your mobile or web app, the following sections help you get started with Persistent Mobile Foundation SDK in your React Native app.
You can use your preferred code editor such as, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, IntelliJ and others for writing your applications.
Installing the React Native CLI
To get started with React Native development the first step required is to install the React Native CLI.
To install React Native CLI:
- Download and install NodeJS.
- From a Command-line window, run the command:
npm install -g react-native-cli
Adding the Persistent Mobile Foundation SDK to your React Native app
To continue with PMF development in React Native applications, the PMF React Native SDK or plug-ins need to be added to the React Native application.
Learn how to add the PMF SDK to React Native applications. For application development, refer to the tutorial Adding the Persistent Mobile Foundation SDK to React Native applications.