Scenario Loader


Note: The Scenario Loader is experimental in nature, and is therefore not fully supported. Use accordingly.

  • Some charts do not get populated.

The Scenario Loader populates various Persistent Mobile Foundation Analytics Console charts and reports with dummy data. The data is stored in the Elasticsearch data store, safely segregated from your existing test or production data.

The loaded data is synthetic in nature, injected directly into the data store. It is not the result of any actual analytics data created by the client or server. The purpose of the data is to enable the user to better view the nature of various reports and charts as displayed in the UI. Therefore the data should not be used for testing purposes.

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Before you start

The Scenario Loader is packaged together with the PMF Analytics Console. Make sure your PMF Analytics Console is running and accessible before connecting to the Scenario Loader.

Connecting to the Scenario Loader

  1. To enable the Scenario Loader, set either the JVM argument -DwlDevEnv=true, or the environment variable ANALYTICS_DEBUG=true.

  2. Access the Scenario Loader in your browser using the console URL: http://<console-path>/scenarioLoader where <console-path> is the JNDI property value defined in the mfp-server/usr/servers/mfp/server.xml file, for example:

    <jndiEntry jndiName="mfp/" value='"http://localhost:9080/analytics/console"'/>

  3. The Scenario Loader page, along with the PMF Analytics Console navigation bar, are displayed. The Scenario Loader remains inaccessible from the navigation bar.

Configuring the data loading

  1. In the Testing Configuration section various settings are available to control the nature (Basic tab) and volume (Capacity Planning tab) of the generated data. Make sure the Days of history setting is set to at least 30 days, in order to load sufficient data.

    All available information about these settings is provided in the Testing Configuration section.

  2. Click on the Administration icon wrench icon and select the Settings tab. In the Advanced section make sure that the Default tenant value is set to dummy_data_for_demo_purposes_only.

Loading and deleting the data

To load the data, click the Start Scenario Loading button in the Scenario Operations section.

To delete the data, click the Delete Now button in the Testing Configuration section.

NB: Read the disclaimer about data creation and deletion in the Scenario Operations section.

Viewing the populated charts and tables

Once the data is loaded, many, but not all, of the charts and tables available in the PMF Analytics Console are populated.

From the PMF Analytics Console navigation bar, check the various pages and tabs to view the populated charts and tables.

Disabling the debug mode

In order to work with real data after working in debug mode and synthetic data:

  1. Delete the data by clicking the Delete Now button in the Testing Configuration section.
  2. In SettingsAdvanced section make sure that the Default tenant value is set to worklight.
  3. For the variable that was set to true, set to false (the JVM argument -DwlDevEnv=false, or the environment variable ANALYTICS_DEBUG=false).
  4. Restart the PMF Analytics Server.
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